Unfortunately, we no longer run our photography workshops. If you have a gift voucher please check whether it is still valid. The expiry date is two years from the date of purchase unless a different expiry date is printed on the voucher. If your gift voucher is still valid we can offer a full refund. The purchaser of the gift voucher needs to contact our support team via email with the voucher code to request the refund to the original payment method. We apologise for the inconvenience and hope you keep following your passion for photography in another way. Thank you.
A PHOCADEMY workshop is the perfect gift for any photography lover from absolute beginners to photo enthusiasts. It is a gift that essentially lasts forever since the student's photography skills will permanently be taken to next level. It's not just one gift but the gift of an unlimited number of better photos that the student will be able to take.
Our typical workshop fees in Brisbane are $ 299.00 (for a 4 x 3 hour workshop) or $ 179.00 (for a 2 x 3 hour workshop) or $ 99.00 (for a 4 hour workshop).
All our gift vouchers are sent out immediately after the online purchase as PDF files. There are several designs to choose from.
Choose type of voucher

Specific Vouchers are valid for a specific workshop on a specific date. The date can be changed free of charge up until 10 days before the workshop

Specific Vouchers are valid for a specific workshop on a specific date. The date can be changed free of charge up until 10 days before the workshop
Choose voucher design

Happy Snapping



Santa Claus

Happy Birthday
Fill details
Or redeem your existing voucher now.